Day 14 Southern Sweden

23 Jun

Day 14 Southern Sweden, originally uploaded by Big Al!.

Quick lunch break (sandwiches made, and technically stolen, at breakfast buffet) overlooking the Baltic sea on the south coast of Sweden. Cold, windy, expensive, and busy, but at least dry. For now, anyway, though the large black clouds that have followed me everywhere are looming on east and west horizons.

Day 11 Baltic coast

20 Jun

Day 11 Baltic coast, originally uploaded by Big Al!.

I leave the Ansgarhus motel (surprisingly good) in dry, but predictably cold, grey and windy weather, heading east. The wind and the kamikaze seagulls nearly take me out crossing the long bridge to Sjaelland, and then I turn north to see some of the coastline. The rain comes back with a vengeance, and I’m very glad I invested in the Gerbing heated jacket and gloves. It makes a huge difference, like being inside with a real fire watching a storm rage outside, instead of being out in the storm getting cold and wet. I pass a desolate coastline, and villages that are probably quite nice when the sun is shining. I see Helsingore castle, as in Hamlet (I think), but it’s too wet to bother stopping and I continue to Copenhagen. The traffic is pretty bad but I make it to the hotel, where ham pleased to discover a secure underground car park for the bike, and working wi-fi for a change. Now begins a couple of days off the bike doing the regular tourist thing.