Day 23 – En route to Swaziland

7 Oct

Just when you get ahead of schedule you get a 2 hour road closure to bring you back to reality.
Not much of interest today. Saw more interesting signs than sights. Including the ones that say “High crime risk – Do not stop your vehicle”

Hmmm. And being back in Zuid Africa I thought would be lower risk. I suppose it’s more about population density than poverty. There’s certainly more population. Makes it feel a bit too normal, but then you get place names like the Limpopo river, which evoke some sense of adventure.

Took a meandering route to my lakeside campsite, seeking better views. Though it’s more hilly than Botswana it’s still not very attractive. No matter, all I’m doing is heading to Swaziland, where I will be tomorrow, subject to road closures and other acts of the gods…

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