Day 33 Ko Tao

12 Oct



Still no medical clearance from gp, so I visit the local clinic. The first says don’t even ask us, we’ll just say no. The second says, yeah ok whatever, I’ll sign you off.

So I get to spend the afternoon doing the confined water session in the pool, swimming around under water and doing all the exercises for swapping to the alternate regulator, emptying water from your mask and all the other stuff you have to be able to do under water and on the surface. Swimming under water is very weird.

Disappointingly, at the end of the session I have absolutely no confidence in myself or the instructor and don’t feel at all safe, so I probably won’t do any open water dives here.

Also disappointingly no photos cos I was kind of busy figuring out what the hell I was meant to be doing. So here’s a rubbish one of other people training in the pool.

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