Day 16 – Victoria Falls

27 Sep

Hawkers and scam artists everywhere.(Always called Moses. Always have a brother with diabetes who hasn’t eaten today. Always with a cellphone and gold studs in their teeth and a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses but still too poor to feed their 15 children…)

Quite unpleasant. (Although I do understand that most of them have very little income, this isn’t the way to solve it.) 

On the other hand I struck an astounding deal and I believe I am now extraordinarily wealthy.

I could have had a 50 billion dollars note but that would just be ostentatious.

I thought I’d head to the falls for sunset photos. Didn’t realise they close the gates at 6. (Apparently, although in this place you learn quickly to distrust everything you hear because everyone has an angle) Arse. Tomorrow then. First real planning failure on this trip so far, and the reserve option was a mojito at the pool so mustn’t grumble.

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